リン バーバー先生からのブログ!もう一つ続きます!

We are nearly coming to the end of our season for evening classes of Agility. The weather has certainly made it more challenging to hold classes. We have experienced extreme weathers this year from rain storms to heat waves. If it rains too much it can be dangerous not only for the dogs but owners so I set up courses where no contacts are used and minimize the twisting and bending of both dogs and owners. We have a canopy to stand under while you wait for your turn. As you all know England is renowned for wait weather so I am used to making contingency plans. However this year we did have a couple of weeks where we had extreme heat and some of the dogs were really suffering from the heat. It was difficult planning classes that was suitable without the dogs having to run too much. Have you noticed how some clients are late in calling out the cue/command? Dogs are adept in thinking about the next obstacle ahead so they are in mid-air when the owner calls out ‘jump’. To prove this point to the owner we asked the owner to run the course without the dog whilst calling out the commands. A video was taken of this and replayed to the owner so that they could see the position they were out and expecting their dog to manage the obstacle. This was a good fun way for the owners to improve their agility while minimizing the exercise of the dog in such heat.We always end the year with a BBQ so we are hoping this is not spoilt by our English weather. I will let you know.
I have a special group of Vizilas doing agility. The photograph shows to house mates sharing the Long Walk. This was particularly interesting as Woody lacks confidence and decided to do this on his own followed by Kima.